Forward-Facing® Health and Wellness Coach Training Calculator

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If you’re a visual person, check out our coaching pathway graphic. It lays out what courses you need visually.

Frequently Asked Questions

What can I do with this certification?

This credential authorizes you to provide one-on-one Forward-Facing® Health and Wellness Coaching. You can use this evidence-based step by step protocol to build a practice that transforms peoples’ painful past learning into an intentional and meaningful life.

We have additional training you can get after your coach certification if you’d like to offer FFME groups or workshops as part of your practice. Contact us for package pricing.

How do I get started?

Fill out an application to begin your process. 

And in the meantime, you might as well enroll in FFME. Successful completion of FFME is the entry for all training programs with Forward-Facing Institute.

Do I have to take the courses in order?

Yes. We’ve designed these courses to be taken in a specific order for best learning. if you’ve already taken some of our courses and find yourself out of order, not to worry. We can work with you!

You can find the suggested course order on the coaching pathway.

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