Forward-Facing® Professional Resilience
was designed for people dedicated to serving others without burning out.

It’s based on the groundbreaking work of a psychologist, a traumatologist, and a social worker who recognized that compassion fatigue in care providers could be treated. Together, they created the Accelerated Recovery Program for Compassion Fatigue (ARP), a 5-session treatment model that showed overwhelmingly positive results from its first beta testing.
They spent over 20 years testing, refining, and gathering peer-reviewed research about their method. They found out that the ARP can do more than treat compassion fatigue. It also catalyzes rapid growth towards professional maturation and optimization.
Now, for the first time, it’s available to everyone – clinicians or not – as Forward-Facing® Professional Resilience.
Our Core Pathway
You can become a Forward-Facing® Professional Resilience Coach through our core pathway.
Level 1 - Alumni
Take Forward-Facing M(y) E(xperience)
Practice Forward-Facing® skills during everyday life then share your experiences in a group setting.
Get accountability, structure and clarification as you incorporate Forward-Facing into your life for 7 weeks.
Completion of FFME is required before beginning the certification program.
Level 2 - Advanced Alumni
Receive the 5-session Accelerated Recovery Program from a Forward-Facing Professional Resilience Consultant, so that you can fully understand the process you’ll take clients through.
In addition, you’ll take the Professional Resilience workshop and get certified as a Compassion Fatigue Informed Professional
Level 3
Certified Coach Training
Take Art and Science of Forward-Facing Coaching
Complete practicum with an assigned partner while receiving mentor coaching from a certified Forward-Facing consultant.
This Level requires completion of Levels 1 and 2 in order to receive an application.
Level 4
Certified Consultant Training
Get direct training with Dr. Gentry on how to present the Forward-Facing Freedom workshop to groups and organizations.
This Level requires completion of all other levels in order to sign up.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is eligible for this training?
Anyone who wants to help others overcome compassion fatigue and prevent it going forward.
How do I get started?
Take FFME or sign up for a Level 2 package to begin. You’ll need both before you can apply to the Level 3 coach training.
How much does this cost?
Each Level is paid for separately.
Level 1 – $300
Level 2 – $1500
Level 3 – $2000
Level 4 – $2000
How long will this take?
The beginning of your training (FFME , FFPR workshop, and coaching) goes at your own pace.
Once you start the practicum it can take as little as 10 weeks, no more than 5 months.
What dates should I set aside for this?
This training course is simultaneously self-paced and live with individualized attention.
Most scheduling you’ll need to work out with a consultant and your partner on an individual level once you’ve been accepted into the Level 3 Coach Training Program.
However, you should keep the next FFME in mind as you plan your training.
Get a detailed core pathway doc here.
Get the Academic Calendar for 2024 here.
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