by SiteMgr | Dec 21, 2021
Forward-Facing® Services Offered: Health and Wellness Coaching Health and Wellness Consulting Professional Resilience Coaching Professional Resilience Consulting Forward-Facing coaching has made a dramatic change in my helping practice. Clients readily embrace the...
by SiteMgr | Dec 21, 2021
Forward Facing has had a profound impact on my life personally and professionally as I have learned to use the knowledge and ideas to move forward in all aspects of my life. I welcome the opportunity to share with you these skills and work in a partnership with you to...
by SiteMgr | Dec 21, 2021
Forward-Facing® Services Offered: Health and Wellness Coaching Professional Resilience Coaching Professional Resilience Consultation Forward-Facing® My Experience (FFME) Facilitator Coaching is resiliency blooming from my own post-traumatic growth....